Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Brendan Leahy – Homily

by | Jun 1, 2013 | Ministry, Pastoral, ZZ_All

Commemorative DVD of Bishop Leahy’s Ordination


Sunday April 14th was a day of great celebration for the Diocese of Limerick. Now, a commemorative DVD of the entire ceremony has been created as a special souvenir of the day.

It costs just €10 and is available from the Diocesan Office (see below) and the Parish Office in Newcastlewest.

Limerick Diocesan Office,
Social Service Centre,
Henry Street, Limerick.
Tel. 061-315856
Fax. 061-310186
Email: office@ldo.ie

Homily of Fr Tony Mullins at Ordination to the Episcopate of Brendan Leahy

St John’s Cathedral, Limerick

14th April 2013


Responding to this call is a great joy, but also very demanding. Like the apostles at the beginning of the Church, Fr Brendan will have to dig deep into his personal resources of wisdom and strength and intellect which he has in abundance. Above all he will draw strength from his deep faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. From that faith he will find the courage to fulfill his ministry and be confident in proclaiming with conviction the gospel of Jesus Christ. He will help people of faith to engage with a culture that no longer sees the message of Christ a s relevant or important for our lives.

He has been chosen for this mission, but he is not alone in this most challenging task. On the day of the announcement of his appointment as bishop of the diocese, I said,

In Limerick, Fr Brendan will find dedicated priests , committed religious and enthusiastic lay men and women of all ages, who are eager to be his co-workers in the vineyard of the Lord.

Brendan you will have the support of all of us. Also we need not be afraid about the future because of the promise of Jesus Christ to be with us always, to the end of time.

On this day of new beginnings for our diocese, we thank God for Fr Brendan and his willingness to say yes. We pray that the Holy Spirit will fill him with love and guide him in all that he is called to do. We pray for our diocese, that God will unite us around Bishop Brendan as we continue on pilgrimage, in company with Bishop Gilbert the first bishop of our diocese and his successors, and with the countless thousands of faithful women and men, religious and clergy who have made up this diocese and have heard the Lord’s call ‘follow me’ and like Peter in the Gospel, have followed together in joy, in hope and in love.