
Going out to meet Jesus

Bro. Dave O'Hara SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 1st Sunday of Lent (14th Feb 2016) entitled 'Going out to meet Jesus'

St Patrick’s Breastplate – As I arise today …

As I arise today…. a beautiful visual reflection with words from St Patrick's Breastplate. Video from Salesians

Servant Leadership

Fr Martin Loftus SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mission Sunday) drawing on Mark 10:35-45

God call us all to greatness

Maja Drapiewski shares a scripture reflection for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) drawing on Mark 9:30-37 

The Lord of all creation

Salesian Sr Mary Bridget Dunlea shares a scripture reflection for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) 

Jesus, the Bread of Life

Fr Lukasz Nawrat SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) drawing on John 6:24-33

God gives us everything we need

Rose O'Connor shares a scripture reflection for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) drawing on John 6:1-15

Let our faith in God flourish

Michael J. McCann shares a scripture reflection for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) drawing on Mark 6:7-13

Hometown familiarity

Fr John Horan SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) which draws on Mark 6:1-6

Touching of Jesus

Deacon Paul Binh Yuan Tran shares a scripture reflection for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) drawing on Mark 5:21-43

A divided Kingdom

A reflection by Fr Flor McCarthy SDB for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (10th June 2018) drawing on Mark 3:20-35

Hospitality (Trinity Sunday)

Fr Michael Casey SDB shares a reflection for Trinity Sunday (27th May 2018) reflecting on the famous icon by Andrei Rublev.

The Ascension is a movement

Fr Paddy Hennessy shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of the Ascension (Year B - Sunday  13th May 2018) drawing on Mark 16:15-20.

The true witnesses

Fr Lukasz Nawrat SDB  offers a scripture reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter (15th April 2018) drawing on Luke 24:35-48

My Lord and My God

Fr Dan Carroll SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Second Sunday of Easter (8th April 2018) also known as Divine Mercy Sunday. 

Easter – our Hope

Fr Hayden Williams OFM Cap shares a scripture reflection for Easter Sunday (Year B - 1st April 2018).

The lesson of humanity

Fr Arek Orzechowski SDB shares a scripture reflection for Palm Sunday (Year B - 25th March 2018) drawing on Mark 14:1 - 15:47

Our path to wisdom

Patrick Sullivan shares a scripture reflection for the 5th Sunday of Lent (Year B 18th March 2018) drawing on John 12:20-30.

The Tool of Forgiveness – Stories from Siberia (Ep 8)

Fr Michael Shields, who has ministered in Siberia for 26 years, shares the story of how his carpenter came to be an active parishioner. 

Living with Suffering – Stories from Siberia (Ep 7)

Fr Michael Shields, who has ministered in Siberia for 26 years, shares how he learned that his call was not to 'fix' but to live with the suffering.

From Fear to Joy – Stories from Siberia (Ep 6)

Fr Michael Shields, who has ministered in Siberia for 26 years, shares how he overcame his fear to answer the call 'to go pray in the camps'.

You are the Body of Christ

Fr Richard Ebejer SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent (Year B - 4th March 2018) drawing on John 3:14-21

We are in the Father’s Heart

Fr Hugh O'Donnell SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 2nd Sunday of Lent (Year B - 25th Feb 2018) on the Gospel of the Transfiguration.

Go to Jesus and He will cure you

Michael J McCann shares a scripture reflection for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B - 4th Feb 2018) drawing on Mk 1:29-39

Luda : Lessons in Love – Stories from Siberia (Ep 5)

Fr Michael Shields, who has ministered in Siberia for 26 years, shares Luda's unforgettable lesson of loving those who persecute you.

Jesus speaks with authority

Fr Dan Carroll SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 4th Sunday in ordinary Time (Year B - 28th Jan 2018) drawing on Mk 1:21-28

AMORIS Parish Conversations – Session 1 Clip 3

The closing reflection for session 1 of our six-session Parish Conversations which looked at the Reality of family Life Today.  (4:57)

AMORIS Parish Conversations – Session 4 Clip 12

The closing reflection for session 4 of our six-session Parish Conversations on 'The Joy of Love' which looked at Married Love Growing to Maturity (5:00)

AMORIS Parish Conversations – Session 5 Clip 16

The closing reflection for session 5 of our six-session Parish Conversations on 'The Joy of Love' which looked at 'God's Mercy - No One Excluded' (5:12)

AMORIS Parish Conversations – Session 6 Clip 19

The closing reflection for our final session of our Parish Conversations on 'The Joy of Love' which looked at 'A Gospel of Hope for our Families'' (4:45)

Focus and Priority are important in life

Fr Dan Devitt SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 3rd Sunday in ordinary Time (Year B - 21 Jan 2018) drawing on Mark 1:14-20

St Joseph’s Mens Group – Stories from Siberia (Ep 3)

Fr Michael Shields, who has ministered in Siberia for twenty-six years, on how to heal what Pope Benedict described as the 'father wound' in our society.

Opening Doors

Bro. Padraig McDonald shares a scripture reflection for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B - 14th Jan 2018) drawing on John 1:35 - 42

Every child is a gift from God – Stories from Siberia (Ep 2)

Fr Michael Shields, who has ministered in Siberia for twenty-six years, on supporting single mothers with compassion and practical charity.

You can be a Catholic anywhere – Stories from Siberia (Ep 1)

Fr Michael Shields, who has ministered in Siberia for over twenty years, reflects on how we belong to the whole Church no matter where we are.

Baptism in the River Jordan

Fr Ray McIntryre shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Year B - Sunday 7th January 2018)

The Holy Family was different

Fr Martin McCormack SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. (Year B - 31st December 2017)

Meeting God in our hearts

Julian and Maja Drapiewski share a reflection for Christmas highlighting the need for us to be born again as we welcome the child of Bethlehem.

Angels of Interruptions

Fr John Horan SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent (24th Dec 2017) and the Gospel of the Annunciation.

Sent by God

Fr Eunan McDonnell SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Advent (Year B 17th Dec 2017) drawing on John 1:6-8,19-28

Be watchful with a generous heart

Fr Arek Orzechowski SDB shares a scripture reflection for the First Sunday of Advent (Year B - 3rd Dec 2017).

Service that flows from love

Fr Richard Ebejer shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of Christ the King (34th Sun in Ordinary Time 26th Nov 2017).

Who am I, really?

Sr Mary Bridget Dunlea shares a scripture reflection for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 19th Nov 2017)

Be Prepared

Fr Michael Scott SDB shares a scripture reflection drawing on Mt 25:1-13 for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 12th Nov 2017).

The Challenge

Salesian Fr Ray McIntyre shares a scripture reflection for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 5th Nov 2017).

The Greatest Commandment

Salesian Sr Sarah O'Rourke shares a scripture reflection for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 29th October 2017)

Many are called, few are chosen

Patrick Sullivan shares a scripture reflection for the 28th Sunday in ordinary Time (Year A  - 14th October 2017)

The vineyard of the Lord

Fr Dan Carroll SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 27th Sunday in ordinary Time (Year A - 8th October 2017)

Actions speak louder than words …

Sister Marie O'Byrne FMA shares a scripture reflection for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 1st October 2017).

God is generous to a fault!

Michael McCann shares a scripture reflection for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year 24th September 2017)


Maja Drapiewska shares a scripture reflection for 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A 17th September 2017)

Fraternal Correction

Julian Drapiewski shares a scripture reflection for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 10th Sept 2017).

No grace without suffering

Fr Pat Egan SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 3rd Sept 2017).

Tu Es Petrus

Fr Martin Loftus SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 27 August 2017)

God never revokes his choice

Salesian Sr Mary Bridget Dunlea shares a scripture reflection for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 20th August 2017)

God is always very close to Us

Fr. Dan Carroll shares a scripture reflection for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 13th August 2017)

There is always more with God

Fr Hayden Williams OFM Cap shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of the Transfiguration (Year A - Sunday 6th August 2017).

The Pearl

John Horan SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 30th July 2017)

God sows good seed in us

Artur Chejnowski SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 23 July 2017)

It is in giving that we receive …

Salesian Sister Bridget O'Connell shares a beautiful scripture reflection for the 13th Sunday on Ordinary Time (Year A - 2nd July 2017).

You are precious

Salesian Paul Binh shares a scripture reflection for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 23rd June 2017).

It is a gift of God

Deacon Dominic Binh SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of Corpus Christi (Year A - 18 June 2017)

The Trinity is a mystery

Fr Dan Carroll SDB shares a scripture reflection for Trinity Sunday (Year A - 11th June 2017)

The Wind of the Holy Spirit

Fr Arek Orzechowski SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of Pentecost (Year A - 4th June 2017)

Leaving space for the rose-breath to fill

Rosemary O'Connor shares a scripture reflection for the 6th Sunday of Easter (Year A - 21 May 2017)

“If only … I will be satisfied”

Sr Mary Bridget Dunlea shares a scripture reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year A - 14th May 2017).

“I thought on the Lamb of God….”

Fr Michael Scott SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 4th Sunday of Easter ... also known as 'Good Shepherd Sunday'.

The Emmaus Moment …

Brother Padraig McDonald SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter (Year A - 30th April 2017)

Divine Mercy never gives up on us …

Sr Maire O'Byrne shares a scripture reflection for the Second Sunday of Easter (23rd April 2017 Year A) also known as Divine Mercy Sunday.

“He is not here ….”

Br Michal Jeszke SDB shares a scripture reflection for Easter Sunday (Year A - 16th April 2017)

‘The one who carries them …’

Fr Hugh O'Donnell SDB shares a scripture reflection for Palm Sunday (Year A - 9th April 2017)

With God on our side …

Fr Paddy Hennessy SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 5th Sunday of Lent (Year A - 2nd April 2017)

Healing of the Blind Man

Fr John Horan SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 4th Sunday of Lent (Year A - 26th March 2017)

The water jar

Sr Bridget O'Connell FMA shares a scripture reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent (Year A - 19th March 2017)

Can you not see him?

Fr Martin Loftus SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent (Year A - 12 March 2017)

Experience of the desert

Julian Drapiewski shares a scripture reflection for the First Sunday in Lent (Year A - 5th March 2017).

The wonder of God’s Creation

Fr Koenraad Van Gucht SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 26th Feb 2017).

No one is excluded from your love

Salesian Br Dominic Binh Viet Nguyen shares a scripture reflection for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 19th Feb 2017)

The path to the kingdom

Fr Arkadiusz Orzechowski SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 12th Feb 2017).

Light of the World

Salesian Fr Raymond McIntyre shares a scripture reflection for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A – 5 Febr 2017).

Jesus needs helpers

Salesian Sr Mary Bridget Dunlea shares a scripture reflection for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 22 Jan 2017)

John the Witness

Fr Lukasz Nawrat SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A - 15 Jan 2017).

This is my Son, the Beloved

Salesian Br Michał Jeszke shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Year A - 8th Jan 2017)

Mary, Mother of God

Salesian Br Padraig McDonald shares a scripture reflection for the Feats of Mary, the Holy Mother of God (Sunday 1st Jan 2016)

God crept in beside us

Fr Eunan McDonnell SDB shares a scripture reflection for Christmas Day entitled 'God crept in beside us'.

Stand up for what is just

Rosemary O'Connor and Patrick O'Sullivan share a scripture reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent (Year A)

Are you the one who is to come …

Fr Antoine Farrugia SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent (Year A) which is celebrated on 11th Dec 2016.

The kingdom of heaven is close at hand

Fr Hugh O'Donnell SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent (Year A) which is celebrated on 4th Dec 2016.

Learning to wait for Jesus

Fr Dan Carroll SDB shares a scripture reflection for the First Sunday of Advent (Year A) which is celebrated on 27th Nov 2016.

Christ the King

Sr Sarah O'Rourke shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of Christ the King (Year C) the final Sunday in the Liturgical Year.

Faithful people of God

Fr Richard Ebejer SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) which is celebrated on 13th November 2016.

We are not made for death but eternal life

Fr John Campion SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) which is celebrated on 6th Nov 2016.

A moment can change a lifetime

Sr Bridget O'Connell shares a scripture reflection for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

Every Christian is a Missionary

Fr Raymond McIntryre SDB shares a scripture reflection for Mission Sunday - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

The power of prayer and trust in God

Fr Lukasz Nawrat SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C).

How do we become people of faith?

Fr Koenraad Van Gucht SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C).

I like to think that faith is a two-way street

Michael J McCann shares a scripture reflection for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

Did Mr Rich keep the Sabbath?

Sr Marie O'Byrne shares a scripture reflection for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also

Fr Michael Scott shares a scripture reflection for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful

Fr Arek Orzechowski SDB shares a reflection for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

Carrying the image of God

Rosemary O'Connor and Patrick Sullivan share a scripture reflection for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C).

Our call is to watch him closely…

Sr Mary Bridget Dunlea FMA shares a scripture reflection for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C).

Try your best to enter by the narrow door

Fr Lukasz Nawrat SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

Is there any fire in your heart?

Fr Lukasz Burnicki SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

We are all invited to be pilgrims

Fr Dan Carroll SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

Become rich in the sight of God

Fr John Campion SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time entitled 'Become rich in the sight of God'.

Jesus teaches us to pray

Fr Richard Ebejer SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time entitled 'Jesus teaches us to pray'.

Jesus visits Martha and Mary

Fr Val Collier SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (17th July 2016).

“And who is my neighbour”

Fr Dan Devitt SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (10th July 2016) entitled "And who is my neighbour".

We are called to be like him

Fr Koenraad Van Gucht SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time entitled 'We are called to be like him'. ​

Jesus takes the road for Jerusalem

John F. Doherty shares a scripture reflection for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time entitled 'Jesus takes the road for Jerusalem'

You are the Christ

Fr Raymond McIntyre shares a scripture reflection for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (19th June 2016) entitled 'You are the Christ'.

The one to whom a lot is forgiven, loves a lot

Michael McCann shares a scripture reflection for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (12th June 2016)

Come dance with me

Fr Hugh O' Donnell SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (5th June 2016) entitled 'Come dance with me'.

Do this as a memorial of Me

Salesian Sr Mary Bridget Dunlea shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of Corpus Christi entitled 'Do this as a memorial of Me'.

The God that is Trinity

Fr Paddy Hennessy shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity which is celebrated on 22 May 2016.

The Holy Spirit cannot be bottled or canned!

Salesian Sr Marie O'Byrne shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of Pentecost (15th May 2016) entitled 'The Holy Spirit cannot be bottled or canned!'

The Christ of the Ascension

Fr Martin Loftus SDB shares a scripture reflection and an Ascension blessing for the Feast of the Ascension (8th May 2016).

In the silence of the heart God speaks

Rosemary O’Connor and Patrick Sullivan share a scripture reflection for the Sixth Sunday of Easter (1 May 2016)

Opening the door of faith …

Sr Sarah O'Rourke FMA shares a scripture reflection for the 5th Sunday of Easter (24th April 2016) entitled 'Opening the door of faith'.

Why do we have to call you Father…

 Fr Eunan McDonnell SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 4th Sunday of Easter entitled "Why do we have to call you Father..."

To profess one’s faith takes courage

Fr Michael Scott SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter (10th April 2016) entitled 'To profess one's faith takes courage'.

My Lord and My God

Fr Dan Carroll SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Second Sunday of Easter also known as Divine Mercy Sunday entitled "My Lord and my God".

Remember how he told you …

Sr Bridget O'Connell FMA shares a scripture reflection for Easter Sunday (27th March 2016) entitled 'Remember how he told you...'

How do we know what love is?

Fr Val Collier SDB shares a reflection for Palm Sunday (20th March 2016) entitled "How do we know what love is?"

Forget the Past and believe in the Power of Jesus

Fr John Campion shares a scripture reflection for the 5th Sunday of Lent (13th March 2016) entitled - Forget the Past and believe in the Power of Jesus


Fr Dan Devitt SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 4th Sunday of Lent (6th March 2016) entitled 'Reconciliation'.

We have a compassionate God

Fr Richard Ebejer SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent (28th Feb 2016) entitled 'We have a compassionate God'.

The big picture becomes clear

Michael O'Sullivan shares a scripture reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent (21 Feb 2016) entitled 'The big picture becomes clear'.

Jesus teaches us how to live

Fr Koenraad Van Gucht SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (7th Feb 2016) entitled 'Jesus teaches us how to live'.

Moved by the Spirit

Fr Pat Egan SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (31st Jan 2016) which is also the feast day of St Don Bosco.

You may be the only Gospel some people will ever read …

Patrick Sullivan and Rose O'Connor share a scripture reflection for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary time - 24th Jan 2016.

The Mother was there …

Fr Ray McIntyre SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (17th Jan 2106) entitled 'The Mother was there'.

The Baptism of the Lord

Deacon Robert Falzon SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord which will be celebrated on 10th Jan 2016.

Christmas is for keeps ….

Sr Máire O'Bryne FMA shares a scripture reflection for the Second Sunday after Christmas (3 Jan 2015) entitled 'Christmas is for keeps...'

Be loyal to your family…

Fr Martin Loftus SDB shares a scripture reflection for the Feast of the Holy Family (27th Dec 2015) which concludes with a family blessing.

May we be in this world a ray of that light ….

“May we be in this world a ray of that light which shone forth from Bethlehem, bringing joy and peace to the hearts of all men and women” Pope Francis.

Among your earthiest words, the angels stray

Sr Bridget O'Connell FMA shares a scripture reflection for the 4th Sunday of Advent (20th Dec 2015) entitled "Among your earthiest words the angels stray".

Inspired by God’s Love

Michael McCann shares a scripture reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent (13th Dec) entitled 'Inspired by God's love'.

Coming of the King

Salesian Fr Michael Scott shares a scripture reflection for Second Sunday of Advent (6 Dec 2015) entitled 'Coming of the King'

God will not forget you…

Salesian Fr Dan Carroll shares a scripture reflection for the 1st Sunday of Advent (29 Nov 2015) entitled 'God will not forget you'.

Christ the King? is it true?

Salesian Fr Eunan McDonnell shares a reflection for the Feast of Christ the King (22nd Nov 2015) the last Sunday in the Church's liturgical calendar.

You shall show me the path of life

Sr Mary Bridget Dunlea shares a scripture reflection for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (15th Nov 2015) entitled 'You shall show me the path of life".

All she had to live on…

Dc. Robert Falzon SDB shares a reflection for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (8th Nov) entitled 'All she had to live on...'

God invites you to his feast

Fr Koenraad Van Gucht SDB shares a reflection for the Feast of All Saints (1 Nov) entitled 'God invites you to his feast'.

Strength in Seeking Help

Salesian Fr Michael Smyth shares a scripture reflection for this Sunday (25th Oct 2015) entitled ‘Strength in Seeking Help’

If only…

Salesian Fr Michael Smyth shares a scripture reflection for this Sunday (11th Oct 2015) entitled 'If Only...'

Pharisees fail to understand Jesus

Fr. Dan Carroll SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 4 Oct 2015.

Jesus building his own team….

Salesian Fr Paddy Hennessy shares a scripture reflection for 27th Sunday in Ordinary time (27 Sept 2015) entitled 'Jesus building his own team'.

Christian Discipleship

Salesian Sr Sarah O'Rourke shares a scripture reflection for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (20th Sept 2015) entitled 'Christian Discipleship'.

Who do you say I am?

Fr John Horan SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time entitled 'Who do you say I am?'.

Wonderful things can happen through us…

Br Padraig McDonald shares a scripture reflection for this Sunday (6th Sept 2015) entitled 'Wonderful things can happen through us'.

Pure, unspoilt religion

Fr Hugh O'Donnell shares a reflection for 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (30 Aug 2015) entitled Pure, unspoilt religion'.

In difficult times, carry something beautiful in your heart

Sr Bridget O'Connell shares a scripture reflection for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time - 23 Aug 2015.

Finding God in Service and Eucharist

Fr Raymond McIntyre SDB shares a scripture reflection for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (16th August 2015) titled "Finding God in Service and Eucharist".

Our life as a journey

Michael McCann shares a scripture reflection for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (9th August 2015) titled "Our life as a journey".

Service before Self

Fr Dan Devitt SDB shares a scripture reflection for 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (2nd August 2015).

Sharing the Bread

Fr Michael Scott SDB shares a scripture reflection for 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (26th July 2015).

Come away and rest for a while

Rosemary O'Connor and Patrick Sullivan share a scripture reflection for 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (19 July 2015)

Go tell my people

Fr Val Collier SDB shares a scripture reflection for 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time (12 July 2015).

The Journey of Faith

A Scripture reflection for 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time (5 July) by Fr Koenraad Van Gucht SDB.

I will praise You, Lord, You have rescued me

Sr Mary Bridget Dunlea FMA, Salesian Sister shares a scripture reflection for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (28 June 2015)

Reflection for 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sr Máire O'Byrne FMA shares a reflection for this Sunday (21 June) entitled "Tossed by the storms of life"

Reflection for 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Salesian Fr John Horan SDB shares a reflection for this Sunday (14 June) entitled "How valuable and unique our ordinary lives are".

Reflection for Feast of Corpus Christi

Sr Bridget O'Connell, Salesian Sister, shares a reflection for the Feast of Corpus Christi entitled "We are the Body of Christ".

Reflection for Pentecost Sunday

Salesian Fr John Campion SDB shares a reflection for Pentecost Sunday (24 May) entitled "The breath and fire of God".

Reflection for 6th Sunday of Easter

Salesian Fr Michael Scott SDB shares a reflection for this Sunday (10 May) entitled "How do we know that we love God?".

Reflection for 5th Sunday of Easter

Salesian Fr Dan Devitt SDB shares a reflection for this Sunday (3rd May) entitled "Abide in me".

Reflection for Fourth Sunday of Easter

Salesian Bro Padraig McDonald SDB shares a reflection for this Sunday (26 April) entitled "Jesus the Good Shepherd".

Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter

Salesian Fr Dan Carroll SDB shares a reflection for this Sunday (19 April) entitled "Understanding the Scripture".

Reflection for Second Sunday of Easter

Salesian Fr Paddy Hennessy SDB shares a reflection for this Sunday (12 April) entitled "My Lord and My God"

Reflection for Easter Sunday

Salesian Fr Koenraad Van Gucht shares a reflection for Easter Sunday entitled "Christ is Risen"

Reflection for Holy Saturday – Jesus in the Tomb

Now there was a garden in the place where he was crucified, and in the garden there was a new tomb in which no one had ever been laid... and ... they laid Jesus there.

Reflection for Good Friday

Christ was humbler yet, even accepting death, death upon a cross but God raised him high and gave him the name which is above all other names .... Philippians 2:8-9

Reflection for Palm Sunday

Rose O'Connor and Patrick Sullivan share a reflection for Palm Sunday (29 March) entitled "Humility, Love & Forgiveness"

My Prayer with Mary

Beautiful reflection which incorporates a prayer to Mary along with Mary's prayer at the Annunciation which the Church celebrates on 25 March

Reflection for Fifth Sunday of Lent (2015)

This reflection draws on Hebrews 5:7-9 - 'During his Life on earth Christ offered up prayer and entreaty, aloud and in silent tears .....'

St Patrick’s Day greeting from Bishop Brendan Leahy

Bishop Brendan Leahy, Bishop of Limerick, shares a greeting for St Patrick's Day mindful especially of migrants here in Ireland and the Irish abroad.

Reflection for Fourth Sunday of Lent

Salesian Fr Ray McIntyre SDB shares a reflection for this Sunday (15 March) entitled "Wanted by a loving God".

Reflection for Third Sunday of Lent

Salesian Fr Richard Ebejer shares a reflection for this Sunday (8 March) entitled "Destroy this sanctuary, and in three days I will raise it up".

Reflection for Second Sunday of Lent

Salesian Fr Hugh O'Donnell, SDB shares a reflection fior this Sunday (1st march) entitled "We are in the Father's Heart"

Reflection for First Sunday of Lent (2015)

Salesian Fr Dan Carroll SDB shares a reflection for this Sunday (22 Feb) entitled "An experience of desert".

Reflection for 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (2015)

Salesian Bro Padraig McDonald shares a reflection for this Sunday (15 Feb) entitled "If you want to, you can cure me"

Reflection for 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (2015)

Sr Bridget O'Connell FMA shares a reflection for this Sunday (8th Feb) entitled “Everyone is looking for you.”

We believe …. Salesians with the young for the young

The Salesians are called to the same mission as Don Bosco - first and foremost to the young, especially to those who are poorer.

Don Bosco – a hard life lived generously

Don Bosco's great compassion and service to the poor youth of Turin was influenced by his own difficult childhood experiences.

Don Bosco – faith and commitment

In this part of the series on Don Bosco, we hear about his faith and commitment as his ministry developed after ordination.

Reflection for Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Salesian Fr PAT Egan shares a reflection for this Sunday (25 Jan 2015) entitled "Sing a new song unto the Lord".

The Oratory of Don Bosco

A short reflection about the oratory that Don Bosco founded for the poor youth of Turin the 1840s

Don Bosco – Friend of the Young

A short reflection on the ministry of Don Bosco with the poor youth in Turin in the 1840s and the founding of the Salesian order.

Reflection for 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Salesian Fr John Campion shares a reflection for this Sunday (18 Jan) entitled "Leading other to God"

Reflection for Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

You are my Son the beloved, my favour rests on you .....the Gospel Reading and a prayer for Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Reflection for the Feast of the Epiphany

Salesian Fr Dan Carroll shares a reflection for the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord which is celebrated on 6th January.

Reflection for Feast of the Holy Family

Salesian Fr Fr Dan Devitt shares a reflection for the celebration of the Feast of the Holy Family on the Sunday after Christmas.

Reflection for Christmas – Be Not Afraid

Salesian Fr Koenraad Van Gucht shares a reflection for the celebration of the Lord's Nativity and the call to tend to those in need, to those who are afraid.

Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

Rose O'Connor and Patrick Sullivan share a reflection for this Sunday (21 Dec) entitled "The Annunciation".

Reflection for Third Sunday of Advent

Salesian Fr Paddy Hennessy shares a reflection for this Sunday (14 Dec) entitled "The Voice”.

Reflection for Second Sunday of Advent

A beautiful telling in words and pictures of the Gospel for this Sunday about the message of John the Baptist entitled "The Journey".

Reflection for First Sunday of Advent 2014

Sr Mary Bridget Dunlea FMA shares a reflection for the First Sunday of Advent (30 Nov) entitled "Here and now"

Reflection for Feast of Christ the King

Salesian Fr Michael Scott shares a reflection for the last Sunday (23 Nov) in this liturgical year entitled "Christ the King".