Red Wednesday – 22nd Nov 2017

by | Nov 19, 2017 | Aid to the Church in Need, Church A, Church Archive

Stand in solidarity with persecuted Christians around the world on Red Wednesday (22nd Nov) by wearing RED and lighting churches RED.


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Wednesday 22 November 2017

This autumn we are asking you to stand in solidarity with persecuted Christians and all who suffer for their peacefully held beliefs. We will be holding a week of events from 19 – 26 November with #RedWednesday as the highlight on Wednesday 22 November.

Red is the Christian colour of martyrdom. Christians are the most persecuted faith group in today’s world and #RedWednesday will honour all Christians who suffer and die for their faithfulness to Christ’s message of peace and love.

#RedWednesday will shine a light on Christian persecution but also highlight the injustices perpetrated against other faith groups.




LED Floodlights will accept a Red High Temperature Lighting Gel, available from theatrical and lighting suppliers. You can find a range of suppliers online by searching for ‘high temperature lighting gel for LED floodlights’. Make sure you select a deep red, otherwise your building could display as pink.