Darkness into Light – A Nation’s Response
We hear from author Joan Freeman, the founder of Pieta House, about the origins and impact of the Darkness into Light walk
We hear from author Joan Freeman, the founder of Pieta House, about the origins and impact of the Darkness into Light walk
Sculptor Timothy Schmalz and Archbishop Dermot Farrell share the dream of the full size bronze of the anti-human trafficking sculpture 'Let the Oppressed Go Free' coming to Dublin
At Mass on St Patrick's Day, Archbishop Farrell spoke about how the spirit of Patrick is captured by the sculpture “Let the Oppressed Go Free” by Timothy Schmalz, a model of which was present on the altar.
In Episode 1 of CAPTIVES, our guests are Sr Liz Byrne (APT) and Kevin Hyland OBE an international campaigner against human trafficking
In Episode 2 of CAPTIVES, our guests are Assistant Commissioner Anne Marie Cagney and Detective Superintendent Derek Maguire
In Episode 3 of CAPTIVES, our guest is JP O'Sullivan from MECPATHS which is dedicated to protecting children from trafficking with a focus on the hospitality and services sectors
In Episode 4 of CAPTIVES, our guest is Canadian sculptor Timothy Schmalz who discusses his anti-trafficking sculpture called 'Let the Oppressed Go Free'.
Archbishop Dermot Farrell talks to Wendy about his recent pastoral letter on the climate catastrophe during his visit to St Clare's Primary School on the Feast of St Francis
The annual Trócaire Lenten appeal has been running for nearly 50 years and while this Lent is different the call to charity remains
Caoimhe de Barra shares her reflections on the 2021 Trócaire Lenten appeal which highlights the impact of conflict on people's lives in South Sudan
Editor Gerard Gallagher explains how 'Exploring Christus Vivit' features an international group of writers examining key themes in Pope Francis' 2019 apostolic exhortation
Wendy Grace interviewed Ashley Bratcher, the star of the UNPLANNED movie on the stage of the Pro Life Campaign 2019 National Conference
Eilís Mulroy from the Pro Life Campaign on responding to the removal of explicit legal protection for the unborn child up to 28 weeks of pregnancy in Northern Ireland
Hear about the 2019 Conference (2nd Nov) which will feature a screening of the Unplanned movie and a keynote address from the lead actress Ashley Bratcher.
Kate Liffey takes the guest chair on REtv to discuss the review of RSE being undertaken by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA)
"I think we all need to pray that our world leaders are courageous enough to make this happen" Jane Mellett discusses the call for climate action at the UN
Lorna Gold and Fr Dermot Lane discuss the importance of the Season of Creation for parishes and the spirituality that flows through 'Laudato Si'
Baroness Nuala O'Loan describes the introduction of abortion into Northern Ireland via a Westminster Bill as 'reprehensible' and 'contemptuous' of the people of NI who have the right to make their own law
Archbishop Eamon expresses his concern at how the Executive Formation Bill was "essentially hijacked" thereby undermining the whole concept of devolution.
Archbishop Eamon Martin reflects on how the first married couple to be canonised together are a model for parents raising children in the faith.
At the 2019 Rally for Life, Archbishop Eamon stated that it was as important as ever to affirm the sanctity of all human life.
Watch the full keynote address by Elma Walsh, the mother of the inspirational Donal Walsh, at the 2019 Dinner for Pro Life Education
What is it like to be a chorister... ... we hear about joining up and getting started ... the value of practice ... the satisfaction of making Mass special for others ...
Castlerea Community School were the winners of the 2019 All Ireland Schools Public Speaking Competition organised by the Order of the Knights of St Columbanus.
Killina were joint runners up in the 2019 All Ireland Schools Public Speaking Competition organised by the Knights of St Columbanus.
Garbally were joint runners up in the 2019 All Ireland Schools Public Speaking Competition organised by the Knights of St Columbanus.
Ronan Mullen and Michael Kelly on the recent recruitment advert for the National Maternity Hospital which left no room for conscientious objection
Ronan Mullen and Ines Lonergan on promoting a pro-life culture now that the (unamended) abortion legislation is sadly the law in Ireland.
Dr Jim Carr and Dr Anthony Reilly discuss their concerns about how conscience rights for medics will be upheld in Ireland after abortion is introduced.
'Climate Generation' by Lorna Gold recounts her personal journey in coming to understand 'climate change' both as an activist and as a mother of two young boys.
The village of Prosperous and the Focolare community hosted a group of Greek Catholic pilgrims from Romania for the World Meeting of Families 2018.
Archbishop Eamon Martin on offering an often counter-cultural message to the world "in which young people drown and are being suffocated..."
Archbishop Eamon Martin - "How can I bring more of these talented, articulate, faith-filled young people into the daily life and decision-making roles within the Church at home"
At a press briefing during #Synod2018 Archbishop Eamon Martin reflects on the way forward for the Church after the repeal of the 8th Amendment.
Deborah Castellano Lubov, Vatican Corr for Zenit gives us an overview of #Synod2018 and how the active involvement of young people made it unique.
Archbishop Eamon Martin says he needs "the help of our young people" to bring the experience of the joy and life at #Synod2018 home to the Irish Church.
Archbishop Eamon Martin and Bishop Donal McKeown look forward to bringing the message and the method of the Synod back home to young people.
Archbishop Eamon Martin shares how the Synod has heard about the challenges facing young people around the world.
Jonathan Lewis from USA and Percival Holt from India reflect on their experience of attending Synod 2018
Dr Kirsten Fuller speaking at 'Freedom of Conscience' Rally outside Dáil Éireann (17/10/2018) as abortion legislation being debated.
Keynote address at the Pro Life Campaign 2018 Conference from Kristan Hawkins (President of Students for Life of America).
Trailer for our 20 minute documentary in we explore how Pope Francis has stayed faithful to his dream of a church ready to go out onto the streets.
ICYMI we look back over the three days of the Pastoral Congress at the World Meeting of Families 2018 in the RDS, Dublin.
In this video shown at WMOF2018, we get a glimpse into the social and spiritual sides of the Altar Servers Club in Naas Parish.
Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle blessing the Our Common Home garden at the World Meeting of Families 2018
This video on the writing of the WMOF Icon of the Holy Family was shown at the RDS and the Phoenix Park during WMOF2018.
This video which shows the hosts being prepared for the Papal Mass by the Redemptoristine Sisters was screened in the Phoenix Park.
Fr Damian McNeice shows us the Penal Cross dating from 1763 which was on the altar at the Papal Mass in the Phoenix Park.
In this reflection filmed and shown at the WMOF2018 in the RDS, we hear about the outreach ministry of various groups at WMOf2018.
A range of reflections from speakers and pilgrims attending the World Meeting of Families 2018 on Thursday in the RDS
In this reflection filmed and shown at the WMOF2018 in the RDS, pilgrims share what hinders and helps family life to flourish.
This report from Day One (Wed) of the World Meeting of Families 2018 was shown in main arena in the RDS on Thursday.
Jane Boland (11), the winner of this Society of Missionary Children competition will greet Pope Francis at Dublin airport.
Fr Michael O'Sullivan SJ recalls meeting the future Pope in Dublin in 1980 and reflects on how challenging the preceding years were for the then Fr Bergoglio.
The full talk from Cardinal Tagle at World Meeting of Families 2018 entitled Choose Life: Pope Francis on the 'throw-away' culture
A beautiful video testimony from one of Ireland's longest married couples which was shown at the World Meeting of Families
Hopes and Dreams' video was shown at the start of the testimonies in the main arena of the RDS on Day One of the World Meeting of Families 2018
Video Message for Pope Francis for the opening of the ninth World Meeting of Families (21 Aug 2018) shown at the opening ceremony in the RDS
Fr Damien McNeice reflects on the upcoming Final Mass of the World Meeting of Families 2018 which will take place on 26 Aug in the Phoenix Park.
A taster from Episode 3 of our TV series on Amoris Laetitia from Pope Francis in which couples of various ages share what they think love is ....
World Meeting of Families 2018 Staff and volunteers share their ECO story as part of the 'Our Common Home' project
Cian shares what many young pilgrims share with us - a family member is often the reason they find themselves on Lough Derg. For Cian it was his Grandmother ...
In Episode 2 of our TV series 'A Journey through Amoris Laetitia', Kieran O'Brien shares one of his Amoris Animations with his family .
Máirín Keegan shares the various ways her family home has become more eco-friendly as part of the 'Our Common Home' project for WMOF2018.
Jane Mellett shares her ECO story about cycling to work as part of the 'Our Common Home' project for WMOF2018
Watch the first insert from Ep 1 of the 6 part TV series 'A Journey through Amoris Laetitia' from WMOF2018 which focuses on the theme of 'REALITY'.
This Facebook page chronicles some of the people who are involved with WMOF2018 linked through the theme of family and faith.
Papa Francesco, in La gioia dell’amore, riflette sull'importanza di concedersi del tempo per far fiorire l'amore. (AMORIS Animations 1/6) CC
Le Pape François, dans Amoris Lætitia, étudie l’importance d’allouer du temps aux uns et aux autres, et ce afin de permettre à l’amour de s’épanouir. (AMORIS Animations 1/6) CC
En “Amoris Laetitia”, el Papa reflexiona sobre la importancia de dedicar tiempo al otro para hacer posible que crezca el amor. (AMORIS Animations 1/6) CC
Papa Francesco, in La gioia dell’amore, riflette sulla Trinità e sulla famiglia. (AMORIS Animations 2/6) CC
Le pape François, dans Amoris Lætitia, aborde la Trinité dans la famille. (AMORIS Animations 3/6) CC
En “Amoris laetitia”, el Papa reflexiona sobre la familia y la Santísima Trinidad. (AMORIS Animations 2/6) CC
Papa Francesco, in La gioia dell’amore, ci aiuta a vedere come l'amore supera le debolezze e i difetti altrui (AMORIS Animations 3/6) CC
Le Pape François, dans Amoris Lætitia, nous met en garde contre les dangers du consumérisme dans la vie familiale. (AMORIS Animations 4/6) CC
Le Pape François, dans Amoris Lætitia, nous aide à concevoir combien l’amour dépasse les faiblesses et les fautes des autres (AMORIS Animations 3/6) CC
El Papa Francisco en “Amoris laetitia” nos ayuda a ver cómo el amor supera las debilidades humanas. (AMORIS Animations 3/6) CC
Papa Francesco, in La gioia dell'amore, ci avverte dei pericoli del consumismo sulla vita familiare, quando dice: (AMORIS Animations 4/6) CC
En “Amoris Laetitia”, el Papa advierte sobre los peligros del consumismo en la vida de familia. (AMORIS Animations 4/6) CC
El Papa Francisco escribe en Amoris Laetitia que desea animar a todos a que sean “...signos de misericordia y cercanía..." (AMORIS Animations 5/6) CC
Papa Francesco scrive in La gioia dell’amore che vuole incoraggiare tutti ad essere “...segni di misericordia e di vicinanza. (AMORIS Animations 5/6) CC
Le Pape François, dans Amoris Lætitia, souhaite inciter chacun à incarner un "… signe de miséricorde et de proximité" (5/6) CC
En “Amoris Laetitia”, el Papa muestra cómo las familias pueden ayudar a transformar el mundo. (AMORIS Animations 6/6) CC
Papa Francesco, in La gioia dell’amore, mostra come le famiglie possono aiutare a trasformare il mondo. (AMORIS Animations 6/6) CC
Le Pape François, dans Amoris Lætitia, indique comment les familles peuvent contribuer à changer le monde (AMORIS Animations 6/6) CC
Now available on Amoris.ie - these six animations reflect on the vision of love, marriage and family presented by Pope Francis in The Joy of Love.
Brenda Drumm gives all us the latest news ... incl that 37,000 people (6,000 under 18s) from 114 countries are booked for the 3 Day Congress in the RDS.
Hannah Evans talks to WMOF TV about the range of speakers who will feature over the 3 days of the Pastoral Congress along with the programme for children and teens.
Beautiful description by Iconographer Mihai Cucu of a panel from the Icon of the Holy Family which is the Gospel reading for this Sunday.
Dermot Kelly talks to WMOF TV about the activities that are planned for the Teen Global Village in the RDS during WMOF2018.
Claire Devaney talks to WMOF TV about preparing a programme for the 2,500 children aged 4 - 12 who are coming to the RDS.
Last call for volunteers to sign up to help at the World Meeting of Families 2018 in particular for one day at the Final Mass in the Phoenix Park on 26 August
View Episode 1 of our six part TV series reflecting on 'Amoris Laetitia' from Pope Francis and the theme of 'reality'. CC
In Episode 2 of our six part TV series we reflect on the 'Vision' for faith and family within Amoris Laetitia' from Pope Francis. CC
In Episode 3 of our six part TV series reflecting on ‘Amoris Laetitia’ from Pope Francis we explore what 'Love is...' CC
In Episode 4 of our six part TV series we reflect on the social dimension to ‘Amoris Laetitia’ from Pope Francis. CC
In Episode 5 of our six part TV series we reflect on the key theme of 'Mercy' within ‘Amoris Laetitia’ from Pope Francis. CC
In the final episode of our six part TV series we reflect on what people can take away from ‘Amoris Laetitia’ from Pope Francis. CC
A quick guide to getting tickets to the Final Mass in the Phoenix Park on 26 August. All 500,000 tickets are free.
Jane Mellett talks to WMOF TV about how the World Meeting of Families 2018 is inviting everyone into a conversation about how we can all care for ‘Our Common Home’.
Special WMOF TV report on the Family Fun Day hosted by the Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin as part of the preparation for WMOF2018.
We see how Confirmation students in Prosperous Co. Kildare took in the Acts of Kindness project in this WMOF TV report
A WMOF TV report featuring the Press Conference announcing the schedule for the Papal visit in August which includes Knock Shrine.
The fourth National Church Collection for the World Meeting of Families 2018 will take place on 16 -17th June. Please support!
Brenda Drumm on meeting Pope Francis with her family and telling the Holy Father about the WMOF2018 Icon of the Holy Family.
As we prepare for World Meeting of Families 2018, we recall a pilgrim family who drove through 13 countries to reach WMOF2015 in Philadelphia.
Archbishop Eamon Martin invites voters to think of two lives and to say ‘no’ to the repeal of the Eighth Amendment in the referendum on 25th May
In this AMORIS animation we reflect on the importance of allowing time for each other, to enable love to flourish. (AMORIS Animations 1/6) CC
Pope Francis in Amoris Laetitia reflects on how God is a communion of love, and the family is its living reflection. (AMORIS Animations 2/6) CC
In Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis helps us to see how love overcomes other people’s weaknesses and faults. (AMORIS Animations 3/6) CC
In Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis warns us of the dangers of the false promises of consumerism for family life. (AMORIS Animations 4/6) CC
In Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis writes that he wishes to encourage everyone to be a sign of mercy. (AMORIS Animations 5/6) CC
In Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis shows how families as the domestic church can help transform the world . (AMORIS Animations 6/6) CC
Bishop Kevin Doran offers young voters some food for thought ahead of the upcoming referendum on the 8th amendment
Sinead Slattery from the Love Both campaign on the need to retain the 8th amendment and offering support to mothers in a crisis pregnancy.
Philip Green explains how he came to volunteer at the World Meeting of Families 2018 and about helping to run the call centre.
The World Meeting of Families 2018 has already recruited 2,500 volunteers, it needs to reach total of 10,000 volunteers. Join now!
Dr John Monaghan on the medical myths that are circulating about the healthcare that can be provided under the 8th Amendment.
Maria Steen (The Iona Institute) on how people of faith have the right to speak out on the upcoming referendum on the 8th Amendment.
Bishop Denis Nulty, Fr David Vard, Nicola Byrne, Ellen Phiri and Noeleen Lynam welcome the official announcement of the visit of Pope Francis to the World Meeting of Families 2018 to be held in Dublin in August.
Colm Hogan, Julie Kavanagh and Siobhan Tighe discuss their recent visit to Matome, Sierra Leone where families are recovering from a devastating mudslide.
Anne Griffin, General Manager for the World Meetings of Families 2018 explains how people can register and get tickets for all the WMOF2018 events.
Engaged couple Anna and Seamus select their favourite St Valentine's Gift Token from WMOF2018 ... see Amoris.ie for all 8 tokens.
In his message for the World Day of the Sick 2018, Archbishop Martin highlights the right to freedom of conscience for all health workers.
To start session 1 we hear from a number of people who have different experiences of family life speak about their experience of the reality of family life today. (12:12)
In this input Julie Kavanagh discusses with Pat Coyle how The Joy of Love by Pope Francis addresses the challenges facing people today. (14:42)
The closing reflection for session 1 of our six-session Parish Conversations which looked at the Reality of family Life Today. (4:57)
To start session 2 of our 'The Joy of Love' six-session Parish Conversations , people talk about their dream for their family. (11:29)
Bishop Denis Nulty discusses with Pat Coyle how 'God makes all the difference' as we consider the Christian vision for the Family. (16:55)
The closing reflection for session 2 of our six-session Parish Conversations which looked at The Christian vision for the Family. (5;30)
To start session 3 of our Parish Conversations on'The Joy of Love', this clip explores the dream of love that is portrayed in modern culture, especially pop culture. (5:06)
Julie Kavanagh discusses with Pat Coyle how Pope Francis's reflects in 'The Joy of Love' on St Paul's vision of Love. (20:00)
The closing reflection for session 3 of our six-session Parish Conversations on 'The Joy of Love' which looked at God's Dream for Love. (4:49)
To start session 4 we look at a selection of children's art work depicting how they have experienced love in family life. (3:50)
Bishop Alan McGuckian (Raphoe) discusses what Pope Francis says in 'The Joy of Love' about love and marriage (14:29)
The closing reflection for session 4 of our six-session Parish Conversations on 'The Joy of Love' which looked at Married Love Growing to Maturity (5:00)
To start session 5 on 'God's Mercy - No One excluded', this video features short interviews with people discussing their different experiences of family life. (13:53)
Bishop Alan McGuckian (Raphoe) discusses the practice of God's Mercy in this interview with Pat Coyle (13:30)
The closing reflection for session 5 of our six-session Parish Conversations on 'The Joy of Love' which looked at 'God's Mercy - No One Excluded' (5:12)
To start session six on 'A Gospel of Hope for our Families', we hear from older people on what helped their love and commitment to endure. (12:21)
As part of session six on 'A Gospel of Hope for our Families', Patricia Carroll discusses a Spirituality of Family Life' (18:07)
The closing reflection for our final session of our Parish Conversations on 'The Joy of Love' which looked at 'A Gospel of Hope for our Families'' (4:45)
Address by Bishop Kevin Doran (Elphin Diocese) at a Conference on 'Abortion, Disability and the Law' that was held in Athlone on 20th October 2017.
Fr Michael Shields, who has ministered in Siberia for twenty-six years, on how to heal what Pope Benedict described as the 'father wound' in our society.
Fr Michael Shields, who has ministered in Siberia for twenty-six years, on supporting single mothers with compassion and practical charity.
Fr Tim Bartlett gives an overview of the preparations for the World Meeting of Families 2018 as we approach Christmas 2017.
Fr Tim Bartlett explains that at all Christmas Day Masses people will be given a copy of the Holy Family Icon for their home.
Iconographer Mihai Cucu discusses the creation of the Holy Family Icon for WMOF2018 and how icons offer an unique perspective for contemplating the divine.
Learn about the AMORIS Cube which is being distributed to the families of First Communion children with key messages from The Joy of Love.
Julieann Moran explains about this art exhibition on family life which will be displayed at the World Meeting of Families in August 2018.
Wendy Grace interviews Lord David Alton who was a keynote speaker at the 2017 Pro Life Campaign National Conference.
Martin Kennedy discusses the practical initiatives around various sacramental moments ahead of the World Meeting of Families 2018.
Over 3,000 people celebrated a free Family Fun Day on 8th Oct 2017 to mark the Limerick launch of preparations for World Meeting of Families 2018.
Speaking at recent 'Faith & Life' convention in Belfast, Cardinal Farrell urges people to read Amoris Laetitia by Pope Francis on Love in the Family for themselves
Hannah Evans from Trócaire explains how this award helps families learn about the lives of other families around the world ahead of WMOF2018.
Learn about the saintly virtues of Oscar Romero, his enduring homilies and his heroic defence of the poor along with the progress of the cause for his canonisation.
A short animation explaining the life, martyrdom and legacy of Blessed Oscar Romero courtesy of the Archbishop Romero Trust.
Address by Sally O'Neill at the opening of this lasting tribute to Blessed Oscar Romero martyred in El Salvador in 1980
Martin Kennedy explains what is available for everyone in the Amoris programme leading up to the World Meeting of Families 2018.
Evening address on Amoris Laetitia by Cardinal Schönborn at the ‘Let’s Talk Family: Let’s Be Family’ conference at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.
Keynote address by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn at the ‘Let’s Talk Family: Let’s Be Family’ conference at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin anointed and unveiled this Icon on 21 August 2017 in Knock. It will travel to every diocese in Ireland ahead of WMOF2018.
Breda O'Brien discuses a new book which offers a chapter by chapter reflection by a range of contributors on 'The Joy of Love' by Pope Francis.
'You have come in great numbers to enjoy an afternoon of fun, friendship and faith' - Bishop Denis Nulty on the K& Family Picnic Day in Punchestown
Gemma Mulligan (Ossory) shares her hopes after the preparation programme for WMOF 2018 was launched on 21 August at Knock Shrine.
Homily by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin (extract) at Knock Shrine on 21 August 2017. See Amoris.ie for details of the preparation programme.
Learn about the preparation programme for the World Meeting of Families 2018 - AMORIS : Let's Talk Family! Let's Be Family!
Fr Eamonn Conway introduces his chapter by chapter guide to Amoris Laetitia, the document from Pope Francis on family, marriage and faith.
Fr Eamonn Conway introduces chapter 2 from the document by Pope Francis on love in the family entitled 'In the Light of the Word'
Richard Brennan, Volunteers Project Manager for WMOF2018, appeals to people of all ages to get involved as volunteers for this great event.
All roads lead to Punchestown on Sunday, August 27th 2017 for the Family Picnic Day that is being hosted by the Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin.
Ollie from Ennis speaks of his connection with Lough Derg which goes back over 35 years and involves all his family, his parish family and his boxing family.
Cardinal Christop Schönborn outlines 5 'attentions' for the ministry to divorced Catholics mirrored in paragraph 300 of Amoris Laetitia
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn was the keynote speaker at a conference in MIC Limerick on the Papal document on the family - Amoris Laetitia.
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn will address ‘Let’s Talk Family: Let’s Be Family’ conference at Mary Immaculate College on July 13th 2017.
Interview with the inspirational Matt Maher who gave a music workshop along with a concert at the recent Fortify Youth Ministry Conference in Dublin.
Address by Fr Philip Kemmy (Raphoe Diocese) at the Fortify Youth Ministry Conference which took place in Dublin on 10 June 2017.
Peter Rigney gives a 3 minute pitch about Alpha Ireland at the Fortify conference which took place in Dublin on 10th June 2017.
Fr Brendan Kilcoyne gives a warm, witty and powerful address about youth ministry at the Fortify Conference on 10th June 2017.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin at Dublin Conference (1 June 2017) for national delegates preparing for World Meeting of Families 2018.
Cardinal Kevin Farrell speaking at Dublin conference (1 June 2017 ) for national delegates preparing for the World Meeting of Families 2018.
The official hymn for the World Meeting of Families 2018 was composed by Ephrem Feeley. Recorded live at Blackrock College Dublin.
Ephrem Feeley discuss his composition - A Joy for all the Earth - which is the official hymn for the World Meeting of Families 2018.
Every three years the Church brings together the largest international gathering of families in the world. In 2018 this gathering will take place in Dublin, Ireland.
The family pictured on this year’s Trócaire box are from a village in Honduras that faces regular flooding from storms and rising sea levels.
Bishop Kevin Doran (Elphin Diocese) reflects on the recent Ad Limina visit of the Irish Bishops and their meeting with Pope Francis.
Bishop Brendan Kelly (Diocese of Achonry) discusses the recent Ad Limina visit of the Irish Bishops and their meeting with Pope Francis.
Bishop Denis Nulty shares how Pope Francis was a model of a listening leader at his 2 hour meeting with all the Irish Bishops during their recent Ad Limina visit.
Bishop Brendan Leahy reflects on how Pope Francis created a 'family atmosphere' at his meeting with the Irish Bishops during their Ad Limina visit.
Bishop Liam MacDaid and Mgr Joseph McGuinness sum up their experience of the Irish Bishops' Ad Limina visit and meeting with Pope Francis.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin discusses the preparations for the World of Meeting of Families 2018 ahead of the Ad Limina visit to Rome by the Irish Bishops.
A look back at the World Meeting of Families 2015 in Philadelphia and the announcement that Dublin would host WMOF 2018.
A short reflection for young people inspired by the readings for the third week of Advent (Year A). Further resources are now available on www.liturgyritualprayer.com
Bishop Denis Nulty (Kildare & Leighlin Diocese) gives us a first-hand account of his recent visit to various Trocaire projects in Zimbabwe.
Wendy Grace reports for Aid to the Church in Need on the final Mass at World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow celebrated by Pope Francis.